Modern Warfare 2: Neymar skins, Pogba and others can get to the game at the World Cup

No, we are not talking about FIFA, but Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It seems that we will have Neymar and Dogma skins as operators. All this during the World Cup period, of course. A data miner exposed everything in Reddit

Neymar and Yoga soon in Modern Warfare 2?

Answering the name of whine on Reddit, the user reported that a Leaker (Codsploitz) would have found in the call of duty: Modern Warfare 2 the first operator skins images and therefore would have shared them in Twitter. So, it seems that in the coming weeks we will have Neymar and Yoga in the game.

What is tranquilizer here are that skins remain quite appropriate and developers have ensured that Neymar and Yoga are not in their football uniforms. In addition, there are likely skins from other famous players.


It is evident that this is a rumor and, as plausible as it may seem, we can only wait for the official release of the game and the beginning of the World Cup to be sure.


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