Announced Hae Sim Time Flies. Fly around freely, do what you want to do, enjoy a short life

On June 10, the developer PlayAbles announced the hechageimulator Time Flies . Compatible platforms are PC (Steam)/Nintendo Switch and PS4, which will be distributed in 2023.


Time Flies is a simulation game that can be a flies. The life of the flies is short, and the time goes away. There are a lot of things that you want to do before you die. For example, reading books, learning musical instruments, drunk with alcohol, letting someone laugh, or looking back at yourself. What you want to do before you die, the so-called bucket list is long.

This work is a game experience that combines open world games and flight simulators. Players will be flies and fly around the house freely, and in a limited time, they will achieve each item written on the bucket list. The trailer finds coins in the lighting shade, and perhaps acquiring coins can fulfill the wish of being rich.

In addition, I touched the guitar string to make a sound, and I ticked on the sole of the thrown human. By interlacing at a specific location, it seems that a unique reaction is returned. When you jump into the sake poured into the cocktail glass, the flies seem to be sloppy. One of the purposes is likely to be achieved, but you may not wake up while being drunk.

This work adopts a 1-bit graphic with only a black dot picture in a white background. It is a very simple visual, and the flies are only black in the drawing, but in the close-up scene, the flies-like appearance are well expressed with fine animations. This work has a lot of goals, but it seems that players are free to spend the rest of the rest of life, such as flying and listening to music on a spinning record.

Michael Frei of PlayAbles, who develops this work, is known for its high-rated work, such as the interactive puzzle PLUG & PLAY using plugs and the interactive short animation KIDS depicting the crowd. TIME FLIES foresaw that it will be a surreal work that will flow the flow of both works.

Time Flies will be distributed in 2023 to PC (Steam)/Nintendo Switch and PS4.


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