PS Plus Premium: This absolute PS1

PS Plus and PS Now are merged this summer. One of the new subscription levels is called PS Plus Premium and also contains the opportunity to play older games of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 era. It looks like some titles have already been determined. We could deal with a few real classics if the rumors come true.

PS Plus Premium could contain absolute cult classics from PS1 times

That's what it's about: PS Plus is subjected to general overhaul and divided into different, new gradations with different content. If you want to have the overall package with all the trimmings, you need the so-called PS Plus Premium and also get access to a catalog of PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 and PSP games. On top of that, there is also free demos, cloud streaming and much more.

You can find all information about the new PS Plus in this classics article:

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PS Plus revolution officially:

All information about the new subscription service for PS4/PS5


PS1 classics are probably already: A good week ago there was a leak that might have already betrayed some PS1 games that are suitable for PS Plus Premium. At least several PS1 titles were given a new age rating, which seems difficult to indicate that they should be made playable again soon. You can read which these were here:

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PS Plus Premium:

Maybe the first PS1 titles have already been determined


PS Plus Premium PS1, PS2 & PSP Games with Trophy Support - Tekken 1 Trophy List Leaked! Right cult classic probably: Now some other well-known titles are joining the syphon filter games. For example, there would be Ridge Racer 2 and Tekken 2. According to a Reddit user, both are said to have already made themselves noticeable with pictures in the PSN baking. But that was not all. In the meantime, the following five titles have noticed the Redditor The_andshrew:

Tekken 2 * Ridge Racer 2 MR driller Worms World Party * Worms Armageddon *

Together with the syphon filter titles, there is already a lineup that is impressive. Even if we of course assume that this should not be all titles. However, it is important to take care here, because so far there are no official confirmations or announcements in terms of PS Plus Premium's game lineup.

What is your favorite and which PS1 classic do you want for PS Plus Premium?
