Wow: Problems in the magic tower? Then you grab these archeology

Who in the ministry tower, who is currently playable thanks to the Legion time immigration currently in Wow Shadow lands, who must reach deep into the trick box due to the scaling. An advantage gives, for example, equipment with particularly many sockets. Although the stones are also scaled in it — but there are still additional values ​​that you would not know. And that can be quite crucial when it gets scarce.

There is certainly that a WoW quest is active for the next two weeks, which waves you as a reward a necklace with rich three socket sites.

Archeology quest series

To get to this necklace, however, you have to own archeology.

Travel to Malayan (Legion) and grab the weekly archeology-quest a new track (at the archeology teacher in the craft district). Then travels to Less ah on the Goldberg and gets the sequence quest crystal eyes. To complete them, you need six high urban stones. This will be obtained from archeology excavations in the area Goldberg. Or she buys her in the ah. Afterwards you will receive the quest Crowbar Lagging, which leads you to a cave where your Kellogg finds — and turned. As a reward for this quest, you will receive the winning stone band.

As you see, the quest is quite fast and easy to complete and the reward quite useful for the ministry tower. Although there are even stronger alternatives — for example, the old Legendary Prada, Avarice Magnum Opus, which can be more difficult with twinks.

Thanks that this quest is only active two weeks and disappears on December 28, 2021!.

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