These are the phones that will become incompatible with whatsapp in 2022

Cell phones are constantly evolving, so now it is much more feasible than our old devices become obsolete in shorter time than before. It is well known that the oldest models of each manufacturer no longer receive updates of any kind, as well as certain applications already stop working completely. WhatsApp is one of these applications, and from 2022, there will be certain telephones that will no longer be compatible with it.

WhatsApp Recently he updated his Frequently Asked Questions section on his official page to publicize the minimum requirements that a cell phone must have to use the application the following year. What are these requirements? We share them below:

WhatsApp Will Stop Working On These 43 Smartphones 2021 | Android phones | IOS

— Telephones with Android 4.1 and later versions

— Telephones with iOS 10 and later versions

— Telephones with Kayos 2.5.0 and later versions

Fortunately, these requirements do not vary too much about this year, where you should have at least one operating system Android 4.0.3 or iOS 10. In the same way, we recommend you take a look at your cell phone operating system just so you can completely sure that you can continue using WhatsApp in 2022.

Editor's note: I think the biggest disadvantage of having an old phone is that they no longer receive software updates and sometimes even security. This not only excludes you from having the latest novelties of Android or iOS, but you are also unprotected before any cybernetic threat.


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